Confined Space Training Overview

Education & Development Blog

Confined space training is a requirement for many roles in which operating in confined spaces poses a risk of injury or death. A confined space doesn't just refer to small areas such as a duct or a storage tank; it can also include rooms that are poorly ventilated or cluttered during construction work. You may find that there is a lack of oxygen, as well as hazardous fumes that restrict your ability to breath and operate. Companies are required by law to adhere to the Work Heath and Safety Act (WHS). This governs the Code of Practice - Confined Spaces by Safe Work Australia; a Government department concerned with protecting workers safety in the workplace. This guide will provide an overview of confined spaces training to allow you to better understand its requirements. 

Anyone who is at risk of death or injury from working within a confined space should undergo adequate training; allowing them to prepare themselves physically and mentally to operate in an unsafe environment. Issues such as claustrophobia may arise and so a certain level of understanding and mental preparation is needed, which is developed during the training course. According to the WHS Act, even those who have been trained or have workplace experience may only work within a confined space if a suitable risk assessment has taken place, and risks have been minimised as much as possible. 

Different confined space training courses are generally offered covering low, medium and high-risk environments as well as rescue and awareness. Each one usually consisting of one or two day packages and are priced at approximately $250 per day. There are also courses that cover specialist equipment and niche training areas such as breathing apparatus; as equipment such as this must be maintained effectively by the user for safety purposes, who in turn much be suitably fit enough to carry the equipment and perform their role whilst wearing it. Training courses are a great way to not only educate an individual and meet Government policy, but also assess whether an employee is a suitable candidate to operate under confined space conditions. Different courses will provide different certificates of attendance that provide evidence of when the course was taught, and must be kept on file for at least two years as stated by the Code of Practice.

Refresher courses are also available and are generally shorter in length and help to reduce skill fade. Again, according to the Code of Practice - Confined Spaces, refresher courses must be undertaken, but the frequency depends upon how often the work is carried out. 


19 July 2016

Helping gifted children blossom

My children are so smart that I struggle to deal with their questions. Having gifted and talented children brings a whole new range of challenges to parenting so I am starting a blog to connect to other parents with gifted and talented children. I want to talk about how we can stimulate their thirst for learning in and out of the school environment, as well as talking about the particular challenges for Australian parents of gifted and talented children navigating the school system. We can all learn from each other and help to make sure the education system works for our children too.